
The Learning Enrichment department has a key role in the functions of our school to understand our learners in order to provide leadership, advice and services so that students can reach their potential.
We work to develop and strengthen the capacities of our students, our teachers, support staff and our families.

We strive to understand individual learners in partnership with class teachers. Through our understanding, we employ appropriate teaching and learning strategies, adjustments and programs. At all times, the department’s actions are consistent with developing active, independent and life-long learners who are capable of reaching their potential in differentiated and flexible ways.


With the assistance of all stake holders, including parents and classroom teachers, the Department aims to enrich student learning within the classroom, the principal place of learning for our students. Needs are met through our diverse curriculum and an acknowledgement that learners require adjustments to the learning environment, the pedagogy and curriculum.

Depending on the student learning profile, we also provide programs and learning experiences targeted to meet diverse learning needs. From our highly able students, to those who require further development of core skills, we aspire to enrich and assist all students so they can meet their potential.

Learning enrichment diagram


Meeting diverse needs

Our thoughtfully planned curriculum enables teachers to deliver learning content and experiences for our
diverse learners within our classrooms, the principle place of learning.

Across the school, teachers consider how we meet diverse learning needs when planning curriculum units and teaching resources. From our highly able students to those students still developing, the Unit Planner explicitly takes into consideration a range of abilities within our classrooms. Differentiated strategies, learning options and differentiated resources are planned to assist our teachers to apply differentiated practices to stretch and develop all students. Ongoing monitoring and formative feedback assists teachers to implement adjustments to teaching, resources and strategies so that our diverse students are challenged to meet their potential.

Internal referral processes exist throughout the school to assist teachers to understand students learning strengths and areas for further development. Referrals are typically raised through reporting and if teachers feel they need more information to meet particular student needs. Parents can also raise referrals.

Highly Able

We have in place a well-planned curriculum that offers opportunities for flexible grouping and a curriculum which is planned to provide both enrichment and acceleration within the differentiated curriculum. Higher-order questions and opportunities for formative assessment are built into our curriculum to support our highly able students. Planning and adjustments need to be in place for our highly able students to address strengths and abilities within our classrooms, the principal place of learning. Our Junior and Middle School reporting initiates Individual Plans for students performing ‘Well Above’ on semester reports which detail planning provisions in place at the subject and class level. The Department aims to put in place Tier 2 and 3 actions depending on particular students. Where relevant, our students at the Tier 3 level may be offered a case management approach to meet diverse needs. Extra-curricular opportunities are available which include subject specific competitions as well as the promotion of opportunities such as school debating, robotics, art immersion programs, design challenges, local, Associated Public Schools (APS) and State level sporting competitions, environmental committees etc.  

At Risk

As students move through the school, we aim to assist in creating learning journeys with students who move from an explicit focus on skills to the development of broader abilities and capabilities. We want our students to be confident, organised, independent and successful learners who can draw on skills and strategies to enable success that will assist them in school and beyond.

For our most at-risk students, the department aims to put in place Tier 2 and 3 supports. Naturally, these supports vary across the school.


At the primary levels, students identified through cohort assessment, reporting and referral may have further individual assessment. If concerns are identified, students are invited into Intervention programs such as MiniLit (Grade 1), MaqLit (Grade 3) and small group support classes in literacy and numeracy at Grade 4 through 6. Teacher Assistant staff are available from Foundation to Grade 6 to support small groups of students and to assist the teacher to meet diverse needs within the classroom.

Lower Secondary

At lower secondary, students with learning disabilities may be offered literacy intervention in place of LOTE. These sessions focus on comprehension and writing skills. Extra support staff are available in the mainstream maths and literacy subjects to work with small groups and to assist teachers to meet diverse needs of all students in our classes. After School Study Assist (ASSA) is offered one night each week at Middle School to enhance students homework routines. In ASSA, students can access teachers and seek to clarify and answer questions related to their subjects.

Senior School

At the Senior school, students are encouraged to take part in the full elective suit offered in order to develop interests and passions for future pathways. For students with diagnosed learning disabilities, we offer support in subject learning and skills sessions for small groups of students at Year 9 and 10 in place of an elective.

We also have capacity to offer short term skills sessions upon referral from Heads of House during tutorial classes. At Year 11, students with learning disability have the option of working in small groups to support subject specific skills during private study periods. At year 12, a small number of at-risk students have access to weekly mentor sessions to establish and monitor goals to assist success.

Pathway Management

Learning Enrichment communicates regularly with Heads of House and the Careers Department to ensure the best pathways are explored to meet student interests and future aspirations. Subject selection, support options and Vocational Education and Training (VET) options are discussed as part of the careers interviews commencing at Year 10. In some cases, these pathway discussions can occur earlier by request to ensure opportunities are considered.

Student Care

At each school, the student Care group is established to support a range of students who require case management. This group is different at each campus, and can comprise of Area leaders, Learning Enrichment staff, Deputy and Heads of School, school Chaplains, Counsellors and Psychologists. This group meets regularly to discuss individuals through a case management approach and supports both the staff engaging and assisting the young person, the family and the young person.